

Whither are we Travelling

In 1963 a Past Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Indiana published a little book titled  “Whither are we Travelling” and somewhere along the line I have obtained a copy.

In this book he asks 10 Questions and proceeds to answer them from his perspective. In this issue I am sharing Question #10 with you. Please remember that this is written from an American Masonry perspective, but a lot is applicable to all of us.

Lets Try Freemasonry

Question #10Are there not too many well-meaning Brethren who are working overtime to make Freemasonry something other than Freemasonry”

In all the land there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. The Masonic Gimmick Manufacturing Company Unlimited is working overtime devising stunts to “modernize” Freemasonry, to put it in line with ten thousand other organizations that clamour for the attention of Society.

Among it many products we are urged to try are these:-

  1. Abandon the “Free will and Accord” rule which has placed our Craft far above the main line of societies & permit outright solicitation.
  2. Ape the Service Clubs and get busy on “projects”.
  3. Go into the organized “do good” business in a big way. Find an area of the human body that has not yet been exploited, and “Exploit It”. Set a quota, have a kick off dinner & get out ringing the doorbells.
  4. Subsidize other organizations right and left, and in the doing, ignore, neglect and starve the parent body.
  5. Feminize the Fraternity.
  6. Hire press agents to tell the World, like Little Jack Horner, what great boys we are. (“Masonry is not getting its proper share of publicity” complains one Grand Master.)
  7. Imitate Hollywood. Stage an extravaganza. Bring in all the groups that ever fancied themselves remotely related to Freemasonry. Form a parade, blow the bugle and beat the drums.
  8. Let Freemasonry “Take a Position” on the public issues of the day. Stand up and be counted.
  9. Go all out for materialism. Raise money; spend it.     Build Temples & Institutions. Whatever can be done by the writing of a cheque
  10. Centralize, centralize, centralize

Why won’t someone suggest that “We Try Freemasonry”??

Certainly we haven’t been trying it these many years and we have experimented with just about everything the mind of man can imagine.    Why not just get back to basics?????

Looking at the overall picture of Freemasonry it is my opinion that the greatest need is for the membership to have a better understanding of what our Fraternity is and especially of what it is NOT.

What is this Freemasonry to which I urge our Brethren to return??

What are its aims and objectives??

What does it do??

Perhaps the last place we would expect to find an answer would be in the First Book of Kings, and, even then, the answer will come as something of a disappointment, for it is all so different from the ways to which we have become accustomed.

Elijah was languishing in his cave on Mount Horeb in the conviction that of all God’s Children he alone had remained faithful to his trust. By divine command, Elijah went forth and stood upon the mountain, and the prophet tells us what happened:

“And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and break in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake: but the Lord was not in the earthquake: and after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice”

What does this mean to us this day? It means that Freemasonry erects its Temples within the hearts of men. Even though we may not understand what we are saying, we sound forth our purpose in trumpet tones when, in our own Declaration of Principles, we proclaim,

“Through the improvement and strengthening of the character of the individual man, Freemasonry seeks to improve the Community”

 And we tell the Candidate for the Degrees of Masonry the same thing in words striking in their simplicity.          “The design of the Masonic Institution” we say to him, is to make it members wiser, better and consequently happier”

Not a word here about mass action; no pressure groups, nor resolutions on matters of government policy.

No “Pro” this or “Anti” that.

No sales talk for any pet scheme.

No great undertakings to cure the ills of the world by making everyone over to fit a pattern of our own design.

No running around like chickens with their heads cut off in search of a do-good project which will gain favourable public notice.

No restless biting of the nails to compete with a service club or other such body.

No endless “busy-ness” which loses sight of the objective.

The Message of Freemasonry? Just This:

That God is not to be found in the wind, nor in the earthquake, nor in the fire, but in the still small voice.

The Purpose of Freemasonry?

Its purpose is the same as it has been since the day when the stones of King Solomon’s Temple were hewn, squared and numbered in the quarries where they were raised. It is to take an individual- just one man at a time, and as good a man as possible, and try to make a better man out of him. THAT IS ALL.

How desperately the World needs that!!!!  And if the technique is outmoded, then the experience of two thousand years is all wrong and the Parable of the Mustard Seed is horse and buggy philosophy and the Leaven in the Loaf is a cruel hoax.

The mere fact that some men do not comprehend its purpose does not mean that Freemasonry has no purpose, nor that its purpose is outmoded; it only means that the stones are not being well hewn and squared in the quarries where they are raised.

Freemasonry has not been tried in the balance and found wanting: it has been found difficult and not tried.


More than anything else today, the world yearns for that same kind of gentle, healing influence in the hearts of men. The Masonic Institution, which sometimes is looked upon with scorn because it does not operate in the conventional manner, is prepared to bear witness to the fact that the conventional way of our age leaves much to be desired, and to stand upon its own majestic systems is to change human lives.

The message to the Brethren of the Craft is this:

“Freemasonry has more to offer the 21st Century than the 21st Century has to offer Freemasonry.”


In the past week alone, I have been approached by two young men enquiring when, following the degrees, they are going to be exposed to the mysteries of Freemasonry and possibly find themselves in an environment where the sharing of ideals; discussion and debate can take place.  I am at a loss for an answer to this question as outside of Lodges of Education & Research which meet infrequently, I know of no such organized grouping. This speaks to me of the need for small “Masonic Circles” and if anyone knows of such bodies and has any information as to their size and structure I would be delighted to know.

Why does Freemasonry forbid Brethren to ask their friends to become Masons??

One of the fundamental concepts of Freemasonry is that application for Freemasonry must be wholly a voluntary act.

A man must seek for himself and join “of his own free will and accord”.

Under no other formula can men unite Brethren of a thousand religious and political beliefs.

Under no more constricting act could Freemasonry accomplish her only end, the building of character among men.

Men who become members of a Masonic Lodge for any other reason than their own desires can neither receive nor give to others the advantages of a wholly voluntary association.

Freemasonry is bigger than any man; the man must seek its blessings; it never seeks the man.

(Taken from One Hundred and One Questions about Freemasonry produced by the Masonic Service Assoc)


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The Pillars

by MasterMason


taken from Chapters 2 & 3 of The Meaning of Masonry by William W. Wilmshurst

In his book Wilmshurst makes the comment that anyone could devote many many papers to a study of the Pillars, however, I found great value in the esoteric explanation he did provide and I will attempt to share my understanding with you.

As our Lectures state there are Three Great Pillars, i.e. Ionic (Wisdom); Doric (Strength) and Corinthian (Beauty). Of these the Ionic is located in the East and is represented by The Master of the Lodge with the other two to be located immediately within the entrance to the Temple at the North West corner.

It is recognized again that, for structural reasons this is not possible in some cases, this is, nonetheless, the appropriate location.

It is also worth noting that at York Minster, Westminster Abbey and other great Christian edifices, the main doors are located in the West with the Altar in the East.

This again points out that the quest for education and light is perceived to be a journey from West to East.

History also informs us that “Two Great Pillars” have always been a prominent feature of buildings housing all great religious systems and philosophies for many centuries, and have always stood at the entrance.


Starting at the North West corner, we note that the characteristic of the Pillar on the left is Strength and that on the right Beauty, and it is between these two pillars that we esoterically enter the Temple.

From my readings, I believe that these pillars represent “the pair of Opposites” and “duality” experienced by us all in the course of our daily living and the challenges we face to stay in Balance.

I refer to the constant struggle between:= Good/Evil===Light/Darkness===White/Black===Positive/Negative ===Temptation/Conscience=== Truth/Falsehood.

In science we see the Positive/Negative poles in electricity and the Red/White corpuscles in our own bodies and without the balancing of which we would all perish. Many many more examples are available to demonstrate this point, however, the few I have given should suffice for the purpose of this paper.

By recognizing these as realities it becomes readily apparent that in order for PERFECTION to be accomplished all existence would need to be in PERFECT BALANCE.

Thus by coming the realization that we are not perfect and in fact constantly out of balance we look to Masonry and it’s Lessons and Lectures to assist us in improving our balance and bringing STABILITY to our lives.

Having dealt with Strength, Beauty and Stability, we are now left with Wisdom which I believe is not only represented by our Worshipful Master but all those guides, mentors and leaders in the Craft to whom we look for guidance and direction.   The greatest of which is of course the G.A.O.T.U.


Undoubtedly, much more could be written about the design, decoration, construction etc. of the Pillars, however, the above is intended for education at the initiate level and those of our families who get to read incoming emails.  I am of the opinion that if our families understand the basics of who and what we are as Masons they will have the opportunity to appreciate and support our personal quest.


Thank you all, once again, for allowing me to meet with you in this way, it is truly a privilege. Ideas as to future papers continue to be received and are greatly appreciated.  Keep it up, I love the research.

Have a wonderful day and God Bless You and Yours


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Bible Openings

by MasterMason

 Bible Openings

A Brother recently asked me what were the “Proper” openings when using the Bible as the V.O.S.L

I promptly give him my personal opinion, then went to the Bible on our Altar and found it to be different.

The shock on my face was evident and made me immediately seek out an answer which could be shared with others in the same position.

This paper will relate the results of my research, which has included my own library, plus a few phone calls to recognized authorities, however material on this subject has been very hard to find and the only author I have found who dealt with this subject has been Harry Carr.   I now share his opinions with you:-

Bible Openings  Question #60  “Freemason at Work” by Harry Carr  (1977)

Customs vary considerably in different parts of the country, and the following notes are designed to show some of the best-known procedures. I have added a brief note, in each case, indicating the essential Masonic significance of the passages quoted.

The earliest French exposure of the Ceremonies, Reception d’un Frey-Macon, states that the E.A. took his obligation with his right hand on the Gospel of St John, and this is confirmed by the next oldest French Version, Le Secret des Francs-Macons, of 1742.

Several later documents of this period indicate that the V.S.L was usually opened at St John 1 Chapter 5.    In the beginning was the word etc.

Three Distinct Knocks, an English exposure of 1760, gave different pages for all three Degrees:

First Degree        The Second Epistle of Peter, with its reference to brotherly kindness and charity

Second Degree  The story, from Judges, 12, of the test of the Ephraimites.

Third Degree       I Kings Chapter 7.  the final details of Solomon’s Pillars

Cartwright, in his Commentary on Freemasonic Ritual, cites the procedure on Old Yorkshire Lodges where the following is customary:

First Degree         Psalm 133, ‘ Behold how good etc.

Second Degree    Amos, Chapter 7 Verse 7  The Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumbline etc.

Third Degree        Ecclesiastes, 12, Then the dust shall return to the Earth as it was etc.

The Bristol Working is unusual in that the Master actually quotes, during the Three Opening Ceremonies,

the full texts from the pages on which the V.S.L. has to be opened i.e.

First Degree         Ruth, 2, Verse 19. The Story of Ruth and Boaz

Second Degree    Judges, 12, Verses, 5&6   The test of the Ephraimites.

Third Degree        Gen, 4 Verses 5-22   The Birth of Jabal & Jubal who are mentioned in the Old Charges.

Of course there is no official Grand Lodge Ruling on this question, and few of the “named” rituals prescribe any particular page-openings for the three Degrees

Cartwright states that the Perfect Ceremonies, in their Editions from 1918 onwards, specify Second Chronicles. Chapter 6, as a standard ‘opening’ for all Degrees; it deals with Solomon’s prayer at the consecration of the Temple.

Generally, Cartwright agrees with the widespread practice, in English Lodges, where a haphazard opening of the V.S.L. suffices, but if a particular page is to stay open through all Degrees, he favours, Second Corinthians  2, which is prescribed in the English Ritual.

That passage deals with the preliminaries to the building of the Temple, and of Solomon’s first embassage to Hiram, King of Tyre, asking for timber, etc, and a “man cunning to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass etc.”

A German correspondent writes to say that many Lodges in that country use the following:

First Degree      John, 1,1.  In the beginning was the word etc.

Second Degree Matthew 22, Verse 39.  Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself etc.

Third Degree     2nd Chronicles. 6. Solomon’s dedication of the Temple.


My sources indicate that English Emulation practice is simply to open the V.O.S.L. at random, rather than to specify any CORRECT opening.

As to individual Lodges, wherever located, it would appear, from the wear and tear of the pages in their Bibles, that decisions were made many years ago as to what the appropriate openings would be and for reasons that were important to those Brethren at that time.

My conclusion is that the actual opening is vastly secondary to the use we make of the teachings within.

PS.  From a personal information, and educational aspect, may I suggest that the next time you are in your own Lodge, why not investigate the Bible openings, and if possible, determine WHY.

This could lead to some very rewarding findings and possibly an excellent topic for discussion.

Another Note

A few years ago my Lodge, Victoria Columbia #1, made a decision to become more inclusive as to the VOSL’s on our Altar and in doing so provide an even greater comfort & welcome to Brethren among us, who may not be of the Christian faith.  We now have FOUR VOSL’s on our relatively small altar, representing the Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Christian Brethren who may be in attendance.

We have seen this as just one small step in recognizing that we really are a Universal Brotherhood.

Have a wonderful day & God Bless you and yours.            Norm.


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Eagles Wings

by MasterMason

Eagles Wings

Storms Bring out the Eagles BUT the Little Birds Take Cover.

From “Loving Thoughts” By Helen Steiner Rice

When the “storms of life” gather darkly ahead,

I think of these wonderful words I once read

And I say to myself as “threatening clouds” hover

Don’t “fold up your wings” and “run for cover”

But like the Eagle “ spread your wings and “soar far above” the troubles that life brings.

For the Eagle knows, that the higher he flies,

The more tranquil and brighter become the skies.

And there is nothing in life GOD ever asks us to bear, that we can’t soar above.


And in looking back over the “storm you passed through”

You’ll find you gained strength and new courage too,

For in facing “ Life’s storms” with “ EAGLES WINGS”

You can fly far above, earth’s small petty things.


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A Morning Prayer

by MasterMason

Starting off your day,  A Morning Prayer

This little gem comes from V.W.Bro.Doug Sowden Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of BC&Yukon.

A few years ago, my wife gave me a paper with a prayer on it. I’ve kept it pinned to my office notice board, now I’d like to share it with you. You may have seen it before, but I believe the message bears repeating.

“Dear God: so far today, I’ve done all right. I haven’t gossiped, and I haven’t lost my temper. I haven’t been grumpy, nasty or selfish. I have tried to keep your commandments and the path you have set for me. But in a few minutes, God, I’m going to get out of bed!!!!! and that is when I’m going to need a lot of help”

This morning prayer tells us many things. It indicates that a good night’s sleep can give us a fresh slate to draw upon. The new day is before us, and the cares and anxieties of yesterday have faded. Sleep has allowed our body to rest, and has allowed our mind to deal with the concerns we had the night before.

The prayer also tells us that it is easier to stick to rules and not commit any fouls when you’re playing the game.

Life is a team sport in so many ways, and once you leave the comfort of your bed and start interacting with others, the rules come into full effect.

The prayer is petitionary. It is an acknowledgement that there is a greater power than ourselves, and that power is yielded to us through prayer.

Finally, I think this little prayer tells us that we don’t have to wait for the Sabbath, sunset, or the muezzin’s call. We can pray at any time of the day or night.

You may not wish to pray at every moment of the day, but why not try this little morning prayer tomorrow. It will probably help, and get you off on a very positive start.

Have a wonderful day & God Bless            Norm


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What has Freemasonry to Offer the New Member?

We have an influx of new members today, and often hear the question,

“What has Freemasonry to offer the new member, and will it be able to hold him?”

The thought arises that some must feel that Freemasonry is lacking.  The more I have worked in Freemasonry, and studied it, and observed its effect on the life and conduct of its members, the more I think that it has everything in it to give guidance to a proper way life.  Today’s changing conditions strengthen this thought.

I liken Freemasonry to some fine mechanical or electrical machine, for as the machine is the product of human hands and minds, so is Freemasonry the spiritual product of the best that is in the human mind.  The machine, no matter how perfect, must have the touch of the human hand to start it, the human hand must be applied to keep it doing its task, and it must be supplied with some form of energy to keep it operating.

Freemasonry with all its spiritual and practical principles is only something beautiful to look at until human minds and human energy are put to the task of making it work.  The oft repeated phrase, “There is nothing wrong with Freemasonry,” is only true in part unless the principles and teachings of the Craft are put to work by its members.

It only has those ideals that can appeal to the right-thinking man, and it is to be trusted that this is the only type joining our order.  If those who worry about the influx of new members will do their duty to the new member they will have nothing to worry about.  We had a wave of applications to Freemasonry following World War 1, and a great many of the backbone of our present day membership came in that wave.  That so many are applying for membership today speaks well of Freemasonry.  It shows that our order has something that attracts, and it proves that the great majority of Freemasons are carrying the ideals and principles of the Craft into their daily lives.

To the older and senior members of the Craft falls the duty of passing on to the new members whatever of richness and benefit they have gained from their membership.

They have learned that the way of life as taught in Freemasonry is right, and that by living up to it they have gained happiness, and made their immediate world around them a little happier.  They must give time and ability to the new member to assist him to gain these same benefits.

To the new members who are now entering our Craft will fall the duty of living and teaching the high ideals of Freemasonry, those high ideals which we trust have attracted them to our Order.  We speak of our unchanging Landmarks.  The great unchangeable thing about Freemasonry is the principles and ideals we stand for.

To you, the new members, will fall the responsibility of caring for these unchanging principles and high ideals.  I say to you, study and learn them and put the practice of them into your every day life, and Freemasonry will be an Order which will continue to attract new members as it has attracted you.

R.W. Bro. G.H. Ellis, Senior Grand Warden  Published in Masonic Bulletin-BCY Nov. 1946

Brethren, 60 years have passed since that last major influx, we now know what happens when we process new initiates, and try to do too much in too short a time. Please let’s not fall into that same trap, instead let’s make a sincere & definite plan to assimilate our new Brethren into our Lodges and ensure that they do not regret having taken that major step of faith in signing their petition..

Brotherly Love ; Relief & Truth. LIVE IT.






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