
mason poems

Symbolism of the First Degree Being a reprint from “The Builder” The Official Journal of the National Masonic Research Society, Anamosa, Iowa.            (circa 1915)

In searching through my Masonic Education Library, I uncovered the attached lecture and was impressed by the fact that the writer’s comments are as valid today as in 1915.  I do trust your will enjoy.

In the beginning the seeker for truth must be duly and truly prepared.  In the usually accepted sense, this talk is unprepared and yet, I spent five years a line officer in the Lodge, observing, thinking about and studying Masonry. It is this study and my later contemplations that are my preparation to speak on the symbolism of the first degree.

It seems to me that the essence of every Masonic lesson is presented in the symbolism of the first degree.

An entered apprentice is a Mason. The second, third and so-called higher degrees are elaborations. All Masonic business was, and in most cases still is, transacted in a Lodge opened only in the first degree.

The Masonic lessons are practical lessons.  They have a dollar and cents value.  The Senior Warden tells us that he became a mason in order that he might receive master’s or larger wages. That there be no misunderstanding as to his meaning monetary wages, he further says, in order to “better support himself and family.”  If we will look honestly into our own hearts, we will see that we paid the price for the Masonic degrees because we hoped to receive the equivalent or a greater return.  If we have not received a return equal to our original and annual investment, it is because we have not applied ourselves to the study of Masonry with freedom, fervency & zeal.

But let us understand each other. There is little chance of our making much headway unless we agree on a clear and definite meaning of the terms we use. It is not only good and pleasant, but it is necessary for us to dwell together in unity of thought, if we would arrive at a harmonious conclusion. We should therefore endeavour to clearly define our subject.

The word “symbol” is derived from the Greek, meaning “to compare”. A symbol is the expression of an idea by comparison. Often, an abstract idea may be best conveyed by a comparison with a concrete object. A dictionary definition of a symbol would be, a sign or representation which suggests something else.

Symbolism, therefore, is the science of symbols or signs. It is the philosophy, or art of representing abstract truths by concrete things. Symbolism is suggestion; in sculpture and painting by form and colour, in language by words, in music by sounds. What allegory and parable are in literature; what figurative speaking is in language; the same is symbolism.

The symbolism of the first degree is for the apprentice. An apprentice Mason is one who has begun the study of Masonry. Certain qualifications of a Masonic apprentice are a belief in God, a desire for knowledge, and a sincere wish to be of service to his fellow creatures.

Possessing these qualifications, the candidate follows a course of ancient hieroglyphic moral instruction, taught agreeably to ancient usages, by types, emblems and allegorical language. This is symbolism, and symbolism is universal language. It is the language in which God reveals himself to man. The manifestations of nature are only symbolic expressions of God.

Children learn best from symbols. Blocks and toys are crude symbolic representations of the more complicated things of life. Most of us learned our alphabet and almost everything else by the relationship or correspondence to things with which we were familiar. We are only children after all. Older children call themselves scientists and make their experiments in laboratories. Each experiment is a symbol of what is taking place in the real outside world.

The apprentice in moral science should give up the rags of his own righteousness and also all precious metals, symbolical of worldly wealth and distinction, and all baser metals, symbolical of offense and defence, in order that he may realize his dependence upon moral forces only.

He should be clad in a garment signifying that he comes with pure intentions to learn the noble art and profit by its lessons, not to proselyte among others, but to develop and improve himself. He is carefully examined to ascertain whether he is worthy and well qualified to receive and use the rights and benefits of Masonry.

Being satisfied that he is worthy and well qualified, he is admitted and immediately impressed with the fact that he must undergo sacrifice and suffering if he would attain the end he seeks. Realizing that the good intentions of the candidate, his own righteousness or even the lodge organization, are not sufficient, we invoke the blessing and aid of God upon our search for knowledge and truth.

We follow the system of symbolism. When we would know the truth in regard to things too great for our minds to comprehend, we take as a symbol that which is within our mental grasp. We know that the truth about the things we cannot comprehend is identical with the truth in relation to the symbol which we do comprehend.

The apprentice in his search for Light must start from the North with the Easter Sun in the East, and travel by way of the South to the West, and back into darkness. He again comes out of the North in the East and passes through the same course again and again in his development. Obstacles are met by the apprentice in his progress, so similar that they appear identical. The little occurrences of life may seem unimportant, but they determine whether we will be permitted to advance.  The apprentice must ever be worthy and well qualified.

The apprentice must advance on the square by regular upright steps. This symbolism is so common and universal that it is used in the slang of the street.

Obligations are duties assumed. We must assume them if we would advance and having assumed them we are bound by them whether we will or not. Then the Light breaks and we begin to see. We find that others, even the most learned, stand like beginners. The Master is on the level with the apprentice, and extends a hand which is grasped fraternally, and the candidate is raised. There is the key to the Master’s word,  an OPEN BOOK, but he may never find the word itself.

Then as before, the apprentice must follow the course of the Sun. As is the greatest, so is the smallest. In the drop of water are all the laws of the Universe. If we study carefully, we will find in the dew drop the particles revolving and whirling in their little circles exactly the same as we find the heavenly bodies revolving and turning in their great orbits, circle within circle and circle upon circle. The seeker after Light always emerges from the North to the East and passes by way of the South to the West and again into darkness, with full faith and perfect confidence that day will follow night. He is continually subjected to tests and trials and always held responsible for what he has learned and for that which has gone before.

God’s Holy Book, His revelation to us, is the guide in our search for light.  To the Jew this Holy Book is the history of Israel substantially the Old Testament. To the Christian it is the Old and New Testament.  To the Mohammedan, it is the Koran, to the Hindu, the Veda.  But whatever book it is, it is the Holy Book of the seeker for Light and that which he believes to be the word of God.  The Holy Book together with the square and the compasses are the great lights of Masonry.

The lesser lights are the Sun, Moon and Master of the Lodge.  The Sun symbolizes the great active principle, the Moon the great passive principle.  This symbolism is so commonly accepted that even the uninitiated refer to the Sun as masculine and the Moon as feminine.  The Master is symbolical of the offspring of the great Active and Passive Principles.  He is the mediator, the child of the two great forces.  He sets the craft to work upon their symbolic studies which is no light responsibility to be assumed by the uninformed.  Only chaos and disaster can overtake him who attempts the work he is not qualified to perform.  When the apprentice has received his degree he is given his working tools and primary or elementary instructions as to how to go to work.

The working tools of an apprentice are the 24 inch gauge and the common gavel.  The gavel symbolizes strength or force.  Force undirected is the flood devastating all in its path or the idle puff of the unconfined powder which accomplishes nothing.  Undirected force is the gavel without the rule.

But intelligently controlled, and directed along a proper line by the rule of intellect, the force of the torrent grinds the grain and does the work of many men.  The force of the exploding powder pries the rock loose so that the work of months is accomplished in a moment.

The operation of universal laws in the moral world is just as ascertainable and understandable as in the physical world.  Morals are as susceptible of scientific study as physics.

The lambskin apron, a most ancient symbol, signifies that it is only by honest conscientious toil that the moral laws can be learned and applied, and that this toil must be done in purity and innocence.

In the lectures which follow the ceremony of the first degree, the apprentice is given preliminary information.  It would be too tedious to analyze these lectures at this time.  Suffice it to say they are very superficial and of little worth in themselves.  They must be understood and felt, if they are to be of any value.  Briefly we may describe a Lodge as a place to work, a place to study, analyze, and master the moral science so that we may make use of the moral laws and principles in our every-day life.  Symbolically, it is representative of the world, our daily working place.

The foundation of the Lodge and its teaching is squareness.  It is, however, supported by three pillars, Wisdom, Strength and Beauty.  From which we may learn that in every undertaking, when intelligence or wisdom directs, and strength or power works, then beauty and harmony result.

The Lodge is covered with the blue vault of Heaven.  Blue is the symbol of equality, it is a proper mingling of all colors, it is perfect concord.  It is also symbolical of the universality of that charity, which should be as expansive as the blue vault of Heaven itself.  Charity is not the giving of money alone.  It is also necessary to have charity toward the weaknesses and mistakes of others.

This life is a checkered pavement of good and evil, but in the center is the blazing star which is the seed and the source of all life and eternal life.

The parallel lines have a symbolism analogous to that of the two pillars, Jachin and Boaz, which is more fully developed in other degrees.

The point in the center of the circle between the parallels is sometimes compared to the individual member and sometimes to God who is the center of all things.  The circumference may suggest the boundary of man’s conduct, or God’s creatures, all equally distant and all equally near to Him.  Sometimes the circumference is used to depict the endless course of God’s power and His existence without end.  This is all speculation, it is symbolism, the contemplation of which will develop the individual.

If the apprentice pursues his studies in the moral art with freedom, fervency and zeal, he will receive Master’s or large wages, and be thereby the better enabled to support himself and family and to contribute to the relief of the distressed.


On occasion I observe Masons who seem to be upset & discouraged that there is no system in hand whereby he can be trained to be a Mason. Unfortunately these Brethren have not yet discovered that Masonry is a school wherein lessons are taught and the onus is on the pupil to learn and grow.  It is my belief that Masonry is a “Personal Spiritual Journey” and our development along that path is an entirely personal matter.

Poem on Sharing; Friendship & Living

He shall never live long enough who serves only himself.

He shall never be great who thinks only of self.

Though he grow to be grey in his own narrow way

He shall find that the gold he has laboured to hold

Is an empty reward for his long years of strife

And too late he shall learn he has wasted his life.

He shall never be wise who thinks only of gain

And toils for what he himself may attain.

He shall sigh at the end for the smile of a friend

And shall reap from years only hatred and sneers

And alone he shall sit at the end of his days

And wish he traveled by kindlier ways.

He shall never be big who has never been kind

But shall always be little of soul and of mind

He may scramble and fight for everything in sight

And may get to the peak by destroying the weak

There he shall find that his conquests are spoiled

And robbed of their charm by the way he has toiled.

The service worthwhile is the service men give

That others in sunshine and laughter may live.

The big men are they who will pause on the way

To play for another the role of a Brother

The great men are they who are gentle and kind

They live when they die in the presence left behind.

–          poem by John R. Rodgers (circa 1944)


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by MasterMason


One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with God.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonged to him, and the other to God.

When the last scene in his life has flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and he questioned God,

“Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you’d walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why when I needed you the most you would leave me”

God replied

“My son, My precious child, I love you, and I would never leave you. During the times of your trials and sufferings, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I CARRIED YOUAuthor Unknown

and one more to think about !!!

Think of me as I start my journey to a better place,

Talk to me as you always have.

Make a smile and keep a smile on your face, for me.

When you are in my garden, watch the flowers grow and think of me.

How do you go on without my presence, you ask?

Be a family and take care of each other.

Together with your strength and love you can get through anything.

Trust in God to take care of me, I am safe and at peace.

Trust in God to take care of you and your loved ones.

There is no right or wrong way to deal with the death of a loved one.

Everyone is the same in God’s eyes, only now I am PERFECT.





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Love thy Neighbour and Thyself

This paper has been created by me for presentation to a Masonic audience as and when the opportunity might  arise.

For some time I have thought upon the commandment given by Jesus and recorded in the New Testament (John 13.34) which states “A new commandment I give you, Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” and the additional admonition given by Jesus and recorded in the New Testament (Luke 10.27) “Love thy neighbour as Thyselfand have pondered the question.

What does this look like, for each of us, in our daily lives?

For many this poses no problem at all, however, for many it presents many issues, in that they may have no concept of what Love even looks or feels like, and worse, may have no sense of Love for themselves.

It is this concept of “Self Love” that I wish to address in this paper.

To begin, and to give some foundation to the subject, my research has led me to the following material, which is taken from a book by Michael J. Gelb, titled Da Vinci Decoded and the Chapter is titled

“Practical Love and Self Assessment”

  1. I feel connected to something greater than my own ego.
  1. I consciously nurture my connection to something greater than myself every day.
  1. I practice conscious loving kindness with my colleagues and associates.
  1. I practice conscious loving kindness with the people I interact with on an incidental basis (waiters, salesclerks, attendants of whatever kind, and so-called strangers.
  1. I allow myself to experience the fullness of love, giving and receiving, in my life every day.

When I read this “Self-Assessment” and began applying it to myself I started to realize just how difficult these standards can be and how, in my opinion, few people could honestly give themselves high marks to all five of the questions being posed.

In addition, and in the hope to make this subject more understandable, I have chosen, for this audience of brothers, to link the words LOVE and RESPECT as being synonymous.

As I see it, in order to be even able to begin to live our lives we must have LOVE and RESPECT for those with whom we are interacting and, above all, for our creator.

Continuing on this line of thought, it has been my experience through my association with family, friends, associates, employers, employees etc. that many people, for whatever reason, have little or no LOVE or RESPECT for themselves.

For them this presents a huge problem, in that, in my opinion, without LOVE and RESPECT for ones self, a person finds themselves constantly seeking love and validation and, by being a constant SEEKER, cannot ever get themselves to the point of being able to GIVE and SHARE.

For me this realization came about in 1988 when through, what some would call a coincidence, I came into possession of an Audio Tape titled “Learning to Live & Love” and authored by Dr Wayne Dyer.

Since that time, I have read much of what Dr Dyer has written and have developed a relatively good collection of his Books, Audio Tapes and CD’s.  I do know that they have been invaluable to me over those years and to this very day.

All of this material is geared to assist the individual in his own self development and value of self and it is here that I see their value to us all, and especially to us as Freemasons who are dedicated to making ourselves as good as we could possibly be.

I perceive the smoothing of our personal ashlar to be a, never ending, objective for us all.

Dr Dyer in very allegorical in his presentations and on no occasion can I recall him ever telling anyone anything. His method is very Masonic (allegorical) in nature, in that he teaches by the telling of stories & giving examples.

Over the past approximately 20 years, I have on numerous occasions found myself doubting or questioning myself and have turned to this material for support & confirmation.

You may well ask, why have I chosen now to share this paper with you and NO this is not a commercial.

Well on December 1st last, my two daughters decided to treat their father to an evening with Dr Wayne Dyer at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver and sprung the surprise on me just a few days in advance.

They well knew my respect for his teachings as both they, and their husbands, have been the beneficiaries of same over the years.

It was a wonderful and moving experience as I did get the opportunity to meet him in person, shake his hand and get a bear hug.   Who says that dreams don’t come true!!!!!

Thought for Today

Every day is a Reason for Giving   AND  Giving is a reason for Living!!!

So let us give “Ourselves” away,  Not just today but every day….

And remember a kind and thoughtful deed  Or a hand outstretched in time of need

Is the rarest of gifts, for it is a part  Not of the purse by a loving heart……

And he who gives of himself will find  True Joy of heart and mind.

From “Somebody Loves You”   by Helen Steiner Rice  (1976)

Have a wonderful day & May God Bless You and Yours


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My Brother

I sought my soul,  But my soul I could not see.

I sought my God,  But God eluded me.

I sought my Brother, And I found all three.

What it Means to be a Brother

My Brother, Masonry means more Than just to wear a pin,

Or carrying a dues receipt So the Lodge will let you in.

You wear an emblem on your coat And on your hand a ring,

But if you’re not sincere at heart, This doesn’t mean a thing

It’s just an outward sign to show The world that you belong,

To this Fraternal Brotherhood That teaches right from wrong.

What really counts lies buried deep Within the human breast,

Masonic teachings brings it out And puts it to the test

If you can do outside the Lodge The things you learn within,

Be just and upright to yourself And to your fellow man.

Console a brother when he’s sick, Or help him when in need

Without a thought of reward For any act or deed.

Conduct yourself in such a way The world without can see.

None but the best can meet the test Laid down by Masonry.

Respect and live up to your trust And be the best you can.

The you can tell the World you are, A MASON AND A MAN.



In the home                               it is kindness

In business                                it is honesty

In society                                   it is courtesy

In work                                      it is fairness

Toward the Unfortunate         it is pity

Toward the Fortunate             it is congratulation

Toward the Weak                     it is help

Toward the Strong                   it is trust

Toward the Penitent                it is forgiveness

Toward the Wicked                  it is resistance

Toward God                              it is reverence and love

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