The Beginnings

by MasterMason

Fraternal Greetings Brethren.

Welcome to my first attempt to put together a Monthly Masonic Education Newsletter, which I trust will be of interest to the majority of you, add to your daily advancement in Masonic knowledge and possibly even generate some discussion both inside and outside of the Lodge.

To get things started, it is my plan to introduce our MENTORSHIP PROGRAM  to all of you and not only explain it’s beginnings within Victoria Columbia No 1, but inform you as to where we are now and our hopes and plans for the future.

The Beginnings

At the Grand Lodge Communication in Kelowna in 1996, R.W. Bro. Bill Headen, as Chairman of the Committee for Masonic Advancement, made a presentation during which he commented that” Mentorship” would be a great way to introduce Freemasonry to not only NEW Brethren but add to the education of existing Brethren.

I was privilidged to be in the audience that day and was motivated by this statement, as such, on my return to Victoria, I gathered a few close associates together and we discussed how a Mentorship Program could be developed. I remember W.Bro George Skelton & Bro Rob Heppel as being part of that small kitchen table meeting.

Not long after that session, then Bro. Michael Cockerell offered his services in bringing together all the information that had been gathered and assembling it in a working format.

Thanks to his skill and dedication we have the current excellent working program.

I believe it is important to state “ current” as we consider the program to be a “Work in Progress” and will never be totally complete.

Where are we now

The Program has been operational in No 1 since 1998 and both Bro. Bill Mounce & W.Bro. George Skelton have filled the position of Mentorship Chairman over that period.

Our current Mentorship Chairman is W.Bro. Michael Cockerell and he is very capably guiding our New Candidates in their Introduction to and assimilation into Freemasonry.

As a matter of interest we note that Grand Lodge is now recommending the Mentorship Program to all Lodges in our Jurisdiction and through the efforts of their Education Committee has created versions for other than “ Emulation Workings”.

Where are we going

Under the guidance of the Lodge Education Committee it is the intention to make every member of our Lodge & beyond totally familiar with the Mentorship Program and be able to utilize same for their personal benefit and the advancement of Freemasonry.

The Program

Outside of the Administration of the Program, which I will deal with in a future Newsletter, the Brother is provided with 30 Masonic Papers, which are delivered to him at appropriate times during his advancement. These papers are as follows:

#1                                Freemasonry- A Way of Life

#2                                Aims & Relationships of the Craft

#3                                Brotherly Relief, Relief & Truth

#4                                The Formation of the First Grand Lodge

#5                                The Origins of Freemasonry in British Columbia

#6                                Freemasonry & Religion

#7                                Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.

#8                                The Entered Apprentice Degree

#9                                Charity

#10                              Lodge Officers

#11                              The Worshipful Master

#12                              The Festive Board

#13                              Memory Work

#14                              The Fellowcraft Degree

#15                              The Master Mason

#16                              The Duties, Rights and Privileges of a Master Mason.

#17                              Grand Lodge

#18                              The Apron

#19                              Protocol in the Lodge

#20                              Visiting.

#21                              The Universality of Freemasonry.

#22                              The Four Rituals

#23                              Masonic Landmarks

#24                              Learning Resources.

#25                              Masonic Bursaries & Grants

#26                              The Book of Constitutions

#27                              Frequently asked Questions re Book of Constitutions.

#28                              What can I tell my friends about Freemasonry

#29                              A listing of Lodge in British Columbia & Yukon

#30                              A History of Victoria Columbia No 1.


As your Director of Masonic Education, (2000) it will be my objective to place this information in the hands of every member, either by providing it in one full package OR one paper at a time. Please remember that your feedback is greatly appreciated and I can be reached in person ,or  by phone at 658-4036  or by email at

Sincerely & Fraternally

V.W. Bro. Norman McEvoy

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