The Educator Papers – Archive

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The Educator

You Called me Brother!!

You Called me Brother! Shared with me by R.W. Bro. Wayne Anderson  The Craft is a society with secrets, but until recently, the public at large thought it was a secret society. The secrets must and will continue to be...

Yabuts & A Masonic Gem

YABUTS YABUTS are monstrous little beasts that inhabit the meetings and conversations that take place all over our Fraternity. A YABUT’s purpose in life is to sap the team of it’s competitive strength by killing any new ideas or creative approaches...

Working Tools of a Master Mason

THE WORKING TOOLS OF A MASTER MASON  The Working Tools of the Master Mason Degree, are the Skirret, the Pencil and the Compasses - characteristically and unmistakably the tools of the Architect, the Designer and the Master builder himself. THE...

Working Tools in MM Degree (Ancient Workings) etc.

THE WORKING TOOLS IN THE MASTER MASON DEGREE (Ancient Workings) “The Working Tools of a Master Mason are all the tools in Masonry indiscriminately but more especially the TROWEL” In beginning, I will first provide you with the definition of...

Wiser; Better and Consequently Happier.

WISER, BETTER AND CONSEQUENTLY HAPPIER Does Freemasonry make its members wiser, better and, consequently, happier? While Freemasonry has done that for many of its members, no promise of such a result is made anywhere in our rituals. This is another...

Wisdom Strength & Beauty

“ Our Lodges are supported by three great pillars. They are called, Wisdom, Strength & Beauty. Wisdom to contrive, Strength to support and Beauty to adorn. Wisdom to conduct us in all our undertakings. Strength to support us in all our difficulties...

Wisdom (The Poem)

Let kindness spread like sunshine and embrace those who are sad. Respect their dignity, give them joy and leave them feeling glad. Forgive those who may hurt you and though you have your pride, listen closely to their viewpoint and...


Wisdom  (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary) (a)    accumulated philosophic or scientific learning; Knowledge ; (b) ability to discern inner qualities and relationships ; Insight (c) good sense ; Judgement  2. a wise attitude or course of action 3. the teachings of...


Wisdom Wisdom  (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary) (a)    accumulated philosophic or scientific learning; Knowledge ; (b) ability to discern inner qualities and relationships ; Insight (c) good sense ; Judgement  2. a wise attitude or course of action 3. the teachings...

Will a Secretary get to Heaven ?

Will a Secretary get to Heaven?? A Tribute to our unsung heroes      No one will admit to being the Author!  If a Secretary writes a letter, it is too long If he sends a post card, its too...

Why the Rush

WHY THE RUSH presented by V.W. Bro. Norman McEvoy The subject I wish to address in this paper is the "Why the Rush" in getting Candidates through the Degrees. Our History tells us that in Operative Times, apprentices were required...

Why the North East Corner & Human Relations

So the newly admitted apprentice is placed in the North East Corner because he is held to figuratively represent the corner stone of the Lodge- it is while he is in this corner that he will receive those lessons on...