They All Came Just For Me

by MasterMason

They All Came Just For Me
By: Bro. Richard L. Jenkins
For the brothers of Cass Lodge 412, Griswold Iowa.

Something big is going on here. Or so I thought that night,
As the Masons came to gather round the Great and lesser lights.
One from here and one from there From places far and wide,
They came to do, I knew not what, As they gathered there inside.
But from each man I was greeted With a smile and voice of cheer.
One said, “so you’re the candidate. The reason that we’re are here.”
I scarcely knew just what he meant, For this was my “first degree.”
There must be much for them to do Before they got to me.
Surely these guys would not travel for the sake of just one man.
Yes, there must be much for them to do, Before my part began.
The “Brother Tiler” was my company As I waited at the door
To step into this brand new realm I had not known before.
They shared with me the three Great Lights and some tools of the trade,
That I might learn a thing or two of how a man be better made.
When at last I had been seated In this brotherhood of men
The Master then began to bring The meeting to an end.
And with all things then completed, They stayed a little more,
To eat and drink and share a laugh Before heading toward the door.
But as we left I understood And then began to see.
That they all came for one reason. They all came just for me.
Dear brothers I pray every lodge Will make new ones like me,
Feel as welcome as these brothers did, When they held my First Degree.

Comment        This is so beautiful, and thought provoking, that we should be sharing it with all Candidates as and when possible. It also speaks to the Team Effort that is necessary in all our workings and our efforts to live up to our obligations.

Have a wonderful Day & God Bless You all PLUS  a huge Thank you to the Author.






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