As you are no doubt aware, Victoria Columbia No 1 commenced the development of a Mentorship Program in 1996, and, through the efforts of Brethren of the Lodge, this Program is now a fixture of our Lodge and operating quite efficiently.
It is also interesting to note, that the program, as developed by Victoria Columbia No 1, has now been adopted as an educational guideline for both our Grand Lodge and the Grand Lodge of Washington.
My reason for bringing this matter to your attention is to seek your personal involvement in the Program by volunteering to be on the Education/Mentorship Committee OR act as a Mentor. Some Brethren may even consider doing both.
The good news is that we have volunteer Mentor/Coaches for each of the two candidates now awaiting initiation and we have two more Mentor/Coaches in waiting.
All you need do is let me know your interest & I will provide whatever material or explanation you may feel you require.
Now for a fresh thought
Have you ever considered which Brother you would call, or speak to, should you have a Masonic question that you needed answered OR if you simply needed someone to have a chat with.
If you have such a person in mind, both of you should consider yourselves to be very privilidged for having developed such a wonderful bond of friendship and respect. In the event that you have not shared this fact with the other Brother, may I suggest that there is no time like the present to let him know.
Whether you have realized it or not, this person, among other things is your Mentor.
A Thought to Ponder on.
Cicero, the Roman statesman and philosopher, wrote the following some 2000 years ago-
The Six Mistakes of Man
- The delusion that personal gain is made by crushing others.
- The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected.
- Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it.
- Refusing to set aside trivial preferences.
- Neglecting development and refinement of the mind and not acquiring the habit of reading and studying.
- Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.
From my perspective, it is amazing how little the world has changed in this period of time. Possibly as Freemasons, living our philosophy, we can set an example!!!!!!!!!
Lord , when we are wrong, make us willing to change.
And when we are right make us easy to live with.
God Bless V.W.Bro. Norman McEvoy