Written & presented by VW. Bro Norman McEvoy Jan 2014
It is quite probable that the first reaction from many Masons, is that in many Rituals the Wardens don’t have columns on their pedestals, however in a great many Lodges they do.
In light of this observation, this paper is directed to those who do have columns,
for consideration, discussion & clarification & to all others for general information.
In opening this paper may I draw your attention to the fact that we, as Masons, do and relate to many matters in sets of THREE.
There are many examples of this fact, however, in this instance I wish to draw your particular attention to the following set of three:-
Now to the paper itself
On the first Saturday of January each year for the past 155 years Victoria Columbia Lodge No 1 in Victoria BC (Emulation Ritual) holds its Installation of Officers.
It is a wonderful occasion and is tradionally attended by Grand Masters & their suites from not only the Grand Lodge of BC & Yukon but those of the Grand Lodge of Washington & the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington & Jurisdiction.
So WHY, is that important? The fact is that in Installations, such as this, the reasons; explanations & admonitions to the various offices are given, however, due to dignity & excitement of the event they are frequently not clearly heard; absorbed or even fully understood.
What I refer to are the Instructions & Directions given to the Junior & Senior Wardens & the Address to the Worshipful Master from the North East Corner in the process of their
being Installed into their respective Offices.
Please consider the following:-
Junior Warden
the following are partial quotes from the Installation Ceremony relating to this office;
“To you is also committed the superintendence of the Craft during the hours of refreshment” AND
“I also present to you this Column. It is a representation of Corinthian architecture and is emblematic of the column of BEAUTY which is situated in the South, and is represented by you Brother Junior Warden.
During the hours of refreshment you will erect this column in a perpendicular position & during the hours of labour you will place it horizontally.”
Personally, I am of the opinion that these directions deal with matters of the BODY and,
together with the Stewards & Stewards helpers, he is responsible for the bodily comfort of the Brethren when not at labour.
This can extend to such functions as;
(a) the welcoming of brethren & visitors & ensuring their seating comfort.
(b) the organization and suitability of refreshment periods involving food & beverages.
(c) other (non-ritual) situations as assigned by the Master of the Lodge.
Senior Warden
again I draw your attention to a partial quote taken from the Installation Ceremony
” the equal measures you are bound to pursue in conjunction with the Worshipful Master in the ruling and governing of the Lodge.”
“I also present you with this column. It is a representation of the Doric architecture &
is emblematic of the column of STRENGTH which is situated in the West and represented by you Brother Senior Warden.
During the hours of labour you will erect this column in a perpendicular position & during the hours of refreshment you will place it horizontally.”
Personally, I am of the opinion that these directions deal with matters of the MIND and,
together with any assistance that he may require from other officers, he is responsible for the administrative needs of the Lodge.
This can be seen in functions such as;
(a) the chairing of General Purpose Meetings
(b) the delivering of the Charges to the Candidates in the various Degrees.
(c) being ready & able to stand-in for the Worshipful Master in case of need.
Worshipful Master
once again I draw your attention to a partial quote taken from the address to the Worshipful Master from the North East Corner
“in like manner it will be your province to communicate Light & Instruction to the Brethren of your Lodge”
Personally, I am of the opinion that this direction deals with matters of the SPIRIT
and, knowing that matters of the BODY & MIND are now well attended to he can concentrate on the Spiritual Development of the Brethren under his Charge.
As to having a column or pillar on his pedestal, that , I believe, is completely unnecessary as he
is the PILLAR that brings everything together as a WHOLE.
Thus, in my opinion, the Fundamental Structure of Freemasonry is totally covered in our Lodges
Have a Wonderful day & God Bless