
grand lodge

The Secret Doctrine

by MasterMason

During the past month I have been introduced to a book titled “Freemasonry and its Hidden Meaning” written by George H. Steinmetz and available through Macoy Publishing, Richmond Virginia. This is a relatively small book of only 213 pages and very easy type to read.

This is an incredibly interesting publication in that it deals with our beginnings, ritual and symbolism in a short and concise fashion.

Of interest to me, and I hope to you readers, is a presentation on “The Secret Doctrine” which I have found quite thought provoking and, although, due to length, it will force the use of an additional page, I have decided to share it with you. Please excuse this, hopefully, a once only lapse in format.

The Secret Doctrine

“Freemasonry is a beautiful system of morals veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. Its tenets are Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Its Cardinal Virtues are Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice.”

“Its religion, if religion it may be called, is an unfeigned belief in the one living and true God”

Quoted from the Masonic Manual of Missouri

In addition to the definition of Freemasonry given above we repeat Pike’s definition:

“Freemasonry is the subjugation of the human that is in man by the Divine; the conquest of the appetites and the passions by the Moral Sense and the Reason; a continual effort, struggle, and warfare of the Spiritual against the Material and Sensual. That victory, when it has been achieved and secured, and the conqueror may rest on his shield and wear his well earned laurels, is the true HOLY EMPIRE”

These two definitions of Freemasonry are apparently similar, yet there is a difference. The Latter informs us as to what Freemasonry is, and to a limited extent advises how to become a Master Mason through

“the conquest of the appetites and the passions by the Moral Sense & Reason”.

However, it contains  thoughts, different from those in the former definition, as it is more definite as to the “Morals.

The definition from the Craft Lodge Manual very distinctly states this system of morals” is “veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.” This statement will bear further investigation. If it is correct, it may be assumed there is something underlying the explanations given in the various lectures of the degrees.

“Something which is “veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.”  This can be considered as an instruction where to look for the meaning. It is obvious that the “Veil” must be parted and the hidden meaning of the allegory” discovered. It is equally obvious that the usually accepted meaning of the symbols is not enough for our purpose, for then their meaning would be immediately apparent and such is not the case. This system which they illustrate then must be “illustrated” by a clearer interpretation of their meaning than is apparent on the surface to the casual observer.

Analysis of the actual words in the quotation reveal a subtle significance not ordinarily attributed to them.

MORALS —The common use is: discriminating between right and wrong, chaste, just, ethical.” This word of Latin origin literally means “custom” but a shaded meaning states verified by reason, logic or probability”

ALLEGORY—“Description of one thing under the image of another. A narrative in which a teaching is conveyed symbolically. Presents a truth under the guise of fictitious narrative or description”

SYMBOL— Something that stands for, represents, or recalls something else, not by exact resemblance, but by suggestion or associations of thought; especially an object that represents something abstract, as an idea, quality or condition.”

If the definition of Freemasonry is reconstructed in the light of the words used in the previous definitions it would read:

“Freemasonry is a beautiful system of customs, or method of living, which, if followed, results in one’s discriminating between right and wrong, being chaste, just and ethical. This custom is verified by reason and logic. However, it presents a truth under the guise of fictitious narrative, and is in reality describing one thing under the image of another, using actual objects to represent abstract ideas.


There is the answer. The symbols are not used in the commonly accepted meaning. It is

“NOT BY EXACT RESEMBLANCE;” there IS a clearer interpretation, as we suspected; it is one of


There is a SECRET DOCTRINE in Freemasonry. That secret doctrine is concealed, rather than revealed, by the very lectures which, we are told, offer a “rational explanation of the ceremonies of initiation. If we were to accept these rational explanations as final and seek no further, Freemasonry would be a farce.

We should find ourselves on a “dead end” street from which it would be impossible to make any progress.

Here is it necessary to digress that we may lay the foundation of our super-structure (as any operative mason would do) by inquiring into some of the actual history of Freemasonry, to discover its beginning and evolution.

Historically, we trace Freemasonry to a number of Operative Lodges in England. Extant records indicate that in the year 1717 four Lodges in London established themselves under the denomination of a Grand Lodge which they constituted at that time. One of the oldest documents containing a written record of Operative Masonry is the Regis or Halliwell MS. Circa 1390.

Many books have been written proposing various theories as to the origin of Freemasonry. The generally accepted theory is that our present Lodges are the outgrowth of the Operative Lodges of Guilds, of the Middle Ages. There is no inclination to question the fact that our Modern Lodge,

AS AN ORGANIZATION, owes its origin to those Operative Lodges, but what of its esoteric teaching??

Are we to believe that these craftsmen of the medieval guilds, most of whom were actually illiterate, conceived an entire philosophy such as Freemasonry, and then, with consummate cunning, concealed it beneath a complicated system of symbolism and allegory?

For the rank and file, the symbols were used, if at all, for ethical analogies, and they were as ignorant of the underlying meanings, as are most Freemasons of today. They but served the purpose of being the preservers of its mysteries. As the reincarnated soul is said to choose the body and the environment best suited for its growth and evolution, so may if be that these Operative Lodges were chosen to form the “body” for the spiritual teachings of the secret doctrine.

Let us investigate the term “Free as used in relation with “Mason.” Some authorities advance the theory that in ancient times “Bonds Men could not join the Operative Guilds. Hence a Mason was a “freeman” and perforce a “Free Mason.” Others attach significance to the word Free” in connection with the request for admission, It being of the applicant’s free will and accord. Both theories find some support in the rituals of various Grand Jurisdictions. In some jurisdictions the candidate recites his qualifications, at the door of the Lodge Room, as being of lawful age, FREE BORN etc.” Here is predicated the theory of being a “free” man. All ritual supports the theory of the candidates “FREE WILL” and accord. Enough theories have been advanced to fill volumes on this specific subject. Herein it is not possible to comment on all of them. One of the more interesting is cited for the benefit of the reader, and it also contains the thought of the antiquity of Masonry.

Robert Hewitt Brown writes” Long before the building of King Solomon’s Temple masons were know as “sons of light.”  Masonry was practiced by the ancients under the name of Lux (light) or its equivalent, in various languages of antiquity***”

We are informed by several distinguished writers that it (the word masonry) is a corruption of the Greek word ‘MESOURANEO’ which signifies I am in the midst of heaven’ alluding to the sun, which ‘being in the midst of heaven’ is the great source of light.

Others derive it directly from the Egyptian ‘PHRE’ the sun and ‘MAS’ a child: ‘PHRE-MASSEN’ —Children of the Sun, or Sons of Light”

Regardless of the origin of the modern Lodge, or of the name Freemason,” we can, after freeing the symbolism of modern adaptations, discern in Freemasonry the outlines of the teachings of the ancient mysteries of Egypt.


that is: body, soul & spirit (more correctly expressed as physical, psychical and spiritual). Three planes of being dealt with in three “grades” or levels of instruction.

Pythagoras said; God formed TWO things in his own image; first the Universe itself, and second, Man”

The Bible informs; “AND God said, Let us make man in our own image, after our own likeness”.

The ancients postulated the complete man as the triune man composed of the body, soul and spirit. He was symbolized by the right angle triangle. The horizontal represents the physical or material, the perpendicular represents the Physical or mental and the hypotenuse the spiritual.

(The complete man symbolized by the right angle triangle should not be confused with the perfect or spiritual man, whose emblem is the equilateral triangle.)

The purpose of the mysteries was to teach the candidate the secret of making of himself the perfect man. Symbolically, it is the secret of progressing the right angle triangle to the equilateral triangle. As no “whole” can be complete and perfect except its parts be complete and perfect, their instructions were divided into three parts, or grades. The first dealt with the physical, the second the psychical and the third the spiritual.

The body is the vehicle of the mind and the spirit; and to male it a fit habitation for them the Mysteries began their instruction with the purely physical aspect of man and his material relation to the Universe.

This teaching was that a strong and obedient body was requisite for the development of a strong mind  and, mind being the instrument of spirit, a strong and well developed mind was essential to spiritual development. Theirs was a rigorous and dangerous initiation, and a strong body was indispensable to the candidate if he were to survive the physical ordeals entailed by the actual initiation as well as the arduous studies necessary for his mental development. This occurred before he was even introduced to the spiritual. Also, it was necessary to understand the operation of the material laws, for they subscribed to the ancient theory that the material laws are but the extension into the manifest universe of the spiritual laws.  ‘As above, so below.”

The candidate was obliged to spend years, if necessary, in each of the grades preceding, before he was permitted to proceed in spiritual instruction. Under such as system it is obvious that it was highly essential to “make the necessary proficiency in the preceding (degrees) grades” before he could be admitted to the next higher

If Freemasonry is the actual descendant or, if one prefers the term, reincarnation of the Mysteries, back of its “veil of allegory” then must be concealed a deeper truth than expounded in the various lectures of the degrees. Therefore, we should be able to discover a similarity in its degrees with these ancient grades.

The first degree should concern itself with the physical or material; the second should deal with the psychical or mental; the third degree wholly with the spiritual.

The ceremony of initiation in each degree should reveal a more recondite teaching that what appears on the surface. It should be discovered that its symbology and allegory is as useful to CONCEAL that teaching from those who do not seek it out as to REVEAL it to him who of his own free will and accord earnestly and prayerfully attempts to pierce the veil of mystery.

If the symbols can be consistently interpreted in this manner, throughout the three degrees, we have confirmed Freemasonry to be the reincarnation of the Ancient Mysteries of Egypt; we have rediscovered some part of the ancient teaching and have removed the veil of allegory from the Great Truth of the Universe.


Now that you have read this presentation, I sincerely hope you will understand WHY I felt it impossible to share it with you in TWO parts.

Personally I have found this author’s views to be very thought provoking, and in that this is what I have always intended “The Educator” to be, hopefully it will catch your attention and create thought & discussion.

One of the wonderful things about Freemasonry is that “as Brothers” we are encouraged to make that “Daily advancement in Masonic Education” and share that knowledge with others from our own personal perspective.  What a blessing.

In July 2009, The Educator, dealt with the Saint’s John and I alluded to a further St John named “St John the Almoner” and promised more info on that subject.  The following quotation should fill that promise.

St John The Almoner (from Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry 1917)

The son of the King of Cyprus, and born in that country in the sixth century. He was elected Patriarch of Alexandria, and has been canonized by both the Greek and the Roman Churches, his festival among the former occurring on the 11th of November and among the latter on the 23rd of January.

Bazot (Man. du Franc-Mac., p 144) thinks that it is this saint, and not St John the Evangelist or St John the Baptist, who is meant as the true patron of our Order. “He quitted his country and the hope of a Throne” says this author, “to go to Jerusalem, that he might generously aid and assist the knights and pilgrims. He founded a hospital, and organized a fraternity to attend upon the sick and wounded Christians, and to bestow pecuniary aid upon the pilgrims who visited the Holy Sepulchre. St John, who was worthy to become a patron of a society whose only object is charity, exposed his life a thousand times in the cause of virtue. Neither war, nor pestilence, not the fury of the infidels, could deter him from pursuits of benevolence. But death, at length, arrested him in the midst of his labours. Yet he left and example of his virtues to the brethren, who have made it their duty to endeavour to imitate them.

Rome canonized under the name of St John the Almoner, or St John of Jerusalem; and the Masons— whose Temples, overthrown by the barbarians, he had caused to have rebuilt—selected him with one accord as their patron

Oliver, however, (Mirror for the Johannite Masons p.39) very properly shows the error of appropriating the patronage of Masonry to this Saint, since the festivals of the Order are June 24th and December 27th, while those of St John the Almoner are Jan 23rd and November 11th. He has, however, been selected as the patron of the Masonic Order of the Templars, and their Commanderies are dedicated to his honour on account of his charity to the poor, whom he called his “Masters,” because hoe owed them all service, and on account of his establishment of hospitals for the succor of pilgrims in the East.


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Love thy Neighbour and Thyself

This paper has been created by me for presentation to a Masonic audience as and when the opportunity might  arise.

For some time I have thought upon the commandment given by Jesus and recorded in the New Testament (John 13.34) which states “A new commandment I give you, Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” and the additional admonition given by Jesus and recorded in the New Testament (Luke 10.27) “Love thy neighbour as Thyselfand have pondered the question.

What does this look like, for each of us, in our daily lives?

For many this poses no problem at all, however, for many it presents many issues, in that they may have no concept of what Love even looks or feels like, and worse, may have no sense of Love for themselves.

It is this concept of “Self Love” that I wish to address in this paper.

To begin, and to give some foundation to the subject, my research has led me to the following material, which is taken from a book by Michael J. Gelb, titled Da Vinci Decoded and the Chapter is titled

“Practical Love and Self Assessment”

  1. I feel connected to something greater than my own ego.
  1. I consciously nurture my connection to something greater than myself every day.
  1. I practice conscious loving kindness with my colleagues and associates.
  1. I practice conscious loving kindness with the people I interact with on an incidental basis (waiters, salesclerks, attendants of whatever kind, and so-called strangers.
  1. I allow myself to experience the fullness of love, giving and receiving, in my life every day.

When I read this “Self-Assessment” and began applying it to myself I started to realize just how difficult these standards can be and how, in my opinion, few people could honestly give themselves high marks to all five of the questions being posed.

In addition, and in the hope to make this subject more understandable, I have chosen, for this audience of brothers, to link the words LOVE and RESPECT as being synonymous.

As I see it, in order to be even able to begin to live our lives we must have LOVE and RESPECT for those with whom we are interacting and, above all, for our creator.

Continuing on this line of thought, it has been my experience through my association with family, friends, associates, employers, employees etc. that many people, for whatever reason, have little or no LOVE or RESPECT for themselves.

For them this presents a huge problem, in that, in my opinion, without LOVE and RESPECT for ones self, a person finds themselves constantly seeking love and validation and, by being a constant SEEKER, cannot ever get themselves to the point of being able to GIVE and SHARE.

For me this realization came about in 1988 when through, what some would call a coincidence, I came into possession of an Audio Tape titled “Learning to Live & Love” and authored by Dr Wayne Dyer.

Since that time, I have read much of what Dr Dyer has written and have developed a relatively good collection of his Books, Audio Tapes and CD’s.  I do know that they have been invaluable to me over those years and to this very day.

All of this material is geared to assist the individual in his own self development and value of self and it is here that I see their value to us all, and especially to us as Freemasons who are dedicated to making ourselves as good as we could possibly be.

I perceive the smoothing of our personal ashlar to be a, never ending, objective for us all.

Dr Dyer in very allegorical in his presentations and on no occasion can I recall him ever telling anyone anything. His method is very Masonic (allegorical) in nature, in that he teaches by the telling of stories & giving examples.

Over the past approximately 20 years, I have on numerous occasions found myself doubting or questioning myself and have turned to this material for support & confirmation.

You may well ask, why have I chosen now to share this paper with you and NO this is not a commercial.

Well on December 1st last, my two daughters decided to treat their father to an evening with Dr Wayne Dyer at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver and sprung the surprise on me just a few days in advance.

They well knew my respect for his teachings as both they, and their husbands, have been the beneficiaries of same over the years.

It was a wonderful and moving experience as I did get the opportunity to meet him in person, shake his hand and get a bear hug.   Who says that dreams don’t come true!!!!!

Thought for Today

Every day is a Reason for Giving   AND  Giving is a reason for Living!!!

So let us give “Ourselves” away,  Not just today but every day….

And remember a kind and thoughtful deed  Or a hand outstretched in time of need

Is the rarest of gifts, for it is a part  Not of the purse by a loving heart……

And he who gives of himself will find  True Joy of heart and mind.

From “Somebody Loves You”   by Helen Steiner Rice  (1976)

Have a wonderful day & May God Bless You and Yours


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Thoughts to Ponder

by MasterMason


As you are no doubt aware, Victoria Columbia No 1 commenced the development of a Mentorship Program in 1996, and, through the efforts of Brethren of the Lodge, this Program is now a fixture of our Lodge and operating quite efficiently.

It is also interesting to note, that the program, as developed by Victoria Columbia No 1, has now been adopted as an educational guideline for both our Grand Lodge and the Grand Lodge of Washington.

My reason for bringing this matter to your attention is to seek your personal involvement in the Program by volunteering to be on the Education/Mentorship Committee OR act as a Mentor. Some Brethren may even consider doing both.

The good news is that we have volunteer Mentor/Coaches for each of the two candidates now awaiting initiation and we have two more Mentor/Coaches in waiting.

All you need do is let me know your interest & I will provide whatever material or explanation you may feel you require.

Now for a fresh thought

Have you ever considered which Brother you would call, or speak to, should you have a Masonic question that you needed answered OR if you simply needed someone to have a chat with.

If you have such a person in mind, both of you should consider yourselves to be very privilidged for having developed such a wonderful bond of friendship and respect. In the event that you have not shared this fact with the other Brother, may I suggest that there is no time like the present to let him know.

Whether you have realized it or not, this person, among other things is your Mentor.

A Thought to Ponder on.

Cicero, the Roman statesman and philosopher, wrote the following some 2000 years ago-

The Six Mistakes of Man

  1. The delusion that personal gain is made by crushing others.
  2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected.
  3. Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it.
  4. Refusing to set aside trivial preferences.
  5. Neglecting development and refinement of the mind and not acquiring the habit of reading and studying.
  6. Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.

From my perspective, it is amazing how little the world has changed in this period of time. Possibly as Freemasons, living our philosophy, we can set an example!!!!!!!!!


Lord , when we are wrong, make us willing to change.

And when we are right make us easy to live with.

God Bless                   V.W.Bro. Norman McEvoy

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