The Teachings of Masonry

by MasterMason

One of the main objects of Masonry is to bring together persons who accept certain principles and ideals and are willing to co-operate with one another in a spirit of brotherhood and friendliness.
There maybe other various objects but this one is obvious from the beginning by the very nature of Masonry.

Freemasonry teaches men their duty to Almighty God; to act as becomes the creature of his Creator; to be amenable to HIS dispensations and in all cases of emergency to seek the aid of His wisdom and strength by prayer and supplication.

It instructs men in their duty to their neighbor; to apply the Golden Rule in all their dealings; to act with justice and impartiality; to stifle all enmity, wrath and dissention; to nourish peace, love, friendship and every social virtue; to seek happiness in the bestowment of happiness and to love their neighbors as themselves. It informs men that they are children of our great Father God that man’s earthly life is short and passes away as a shadow; that he is hastening to that goal where the trappings of pride will be no more; where human titles and distinctions have no value and where virtue alone will have pre-eminence.

Freemasonry teaches also that love for humanity is the soul of religion; that Freemasonry instructs men to be true to themselves; to be models of virtue; to set bounds to their desires; to curb their sensual appetites and to walk uprightly; to stretch forth the hand of relief to their neighbor’s necessity and if he be in danger to run to his help and to comfort him when neglected.

Masonry teaches us the wonderful doctrines of Charity which is one of the characteristics of a Mason. In order to exercise this virtue both in the character of Masons and in common life with propriety we must forget every obligation but affection, for otherwise it would confound charity with duty.

The feelings of the heart ought to direct the hand of charity.
To this purpose we should be divested of every idea of superiority and estimate ourselves as being of equality.

In this disposition of mind we may be susceptible to those sentiments which charity delights in; to feel the woes and miseries of others with a true and genuine sympathy of soul. Compassion is of heavenly birth; it is one of the first characteristics of humanity.
He whose bosom is locked up against compassion is a barbarian.

It should be broadcast in all directions that Masonry is ever striving to build men up in virtue, integrity, kindness and fraternal goodness.

The whole of its symbolism though simple, is nevertheless sublime and it teaches men everywhere some of the highest truths of the kingdom of God.

All those who come within the scope of its influence in their quest for truth and satisfaction, acknowledge that they have entered into the experience of a better humanity.

They learn at the Altar of Masonry the fear of God; the sanctity of life; the joy of benevolence and the satisfaction that follows a circumspect and an upright life.

Freemasonry teaches its members to be peaceful and respectable citizens; never to countenance disloyalty nor rebellion; to be true to the Government of their country and cheerfully to conform to it in all things; never to put Masonry before their business and professional duties; to restrain and subordinate their passions to the highest impulses of the soul and never to recommend anyone for initiation into the Craft unless they are convinced that their candidate will bring honour and credit to the fraternity.

Lodges are made up of Brethren who may differ from each other in politics, religion and many other important points. Here, in Masonry, they find a meeting place where all differences are subordinated.

We show the world that there are points of agreement between man and man, more important than the questions about which they quarrel and in times like the present, when the religion and political atmosphere is charged with excitement, we present the world with a very valuable object lesson.

Courage, tolerance, a wide and objective judgment, a concern for new solutions aimed at general progress, a sense of responsibility – these are the things that a Freemason should strive to acquire and develop.


My only comment is that the standards quoted above are extensive but very worth
aiming at in our daily lives.

Have a wonderful day & God Bless

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